Sunday, November 30, 2008

1) Treacherous
a) Some one who has intention to betray?
B) Gollum vs. Bilbo
c)Gollum attempted the treacherous act of trying to kill Bilbo after he had all ready promised to realest him from the hellish tunnels of the Goblins.
2) Ghastly
A)Horror or fearful acts or things
B)Smaug towards the Dwarves
C)many men had a ghastly image of Smuag’s appearance , but very few knew of what he looked like, the commotion of his acts had been performed many generations ago.
A)Cunning or kaniving
B)Bilbo vs. spiders
c)Bilbo’s wily way of saving the Dwarves from the spider’s clutches , earned him much valour, honour and respect amongst them.
4) Pondering
A)to wonder or to be curious
B)Bilbo towards Gandalf
c)Bilbo gazed at the misty Mountains and pondered where on earth could Gandalf be???
5) Commotion
A)Confusion or excitement

b)People toward Dwarves
c)The spread of word that Thror, king of Dwarves, had returned caused much commotion amongst the people who were eager to see the dragon slain .
6) Pernicious
A)to have a subtle but harmful effect .
B)the ring – Bilbo
C)foreshadowing gives us hints that the ring has a pernicious effect on its bearer ( i.e. Gollum )
7) Foe
b)Dwarves to Smaug
c)The Wood Elves show that they have respect and keep their captives healthy whether they are foes or not .
8) Mishap
A)Unfortunate or troubled
B)Bilbo vs. saving Dwarves
c)Through the book Bilbo has saved the Dwarves from what ever mishap they run in to giving them a hero vision of them.
9) Slumber
A)Sleep or doze
c)Bilbo felt the heat of the great beast spread out across the treasure, spelled in a deep slumber.

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