Thursday, January 8, 2009


Title: Friday Night Comedy – The Now Show
Episode: The Credit Crunch
Time: 28:04
Broadcasted By: The BBC Radio 4
Date: 19 Dec 2008

The pod cast I have reviewed is one of the comedy genre. Broadcasted by the
BBC, its purpose is to entertain its listeners by using jokes and songs to relay real life circumstances and other happenings in the UK and round the Globe at the current time.

EPISODE DESRIPTION (personal edition)
This week’s episode of The Now Show highlights the global economic crisis, discussing the administration of stores such as Woolworth’s and WHSmith in song form.
Don’t miss the top tips on how to save money at Christmas, with hints that will make you laugh ‘till you cry!!!

This week’s show is an amusing comedy based around the desperate economic situation.
Featuring stars Steve Pank, Hugh Dennis and many more…

Starting off with a Christmas jam, ‘thanking God it isn’t Christmas everyday’, Mitch Ben, brings instant laughs with his hilarious but logical song.

Going on to the economy, Holly Walsh gives us her top tips on how to save money during the Christmas credit crunch or “scrooging it this Christmas” including this excellent tip on sending presents – “ Send a card signed with the catchphrase “Don’t spend it all at once” then tear the end of the envelope off without giving any money . This way it looks like you’ve sent money but the postman’s nicked it!”

The next major chapter of the show includes an outrageous song about Woolworth’s decline to bankruptcy – (verse from song – “Where will all the chavs go now, to do their shoplifting”), All the reasons Madonna will miss Britain, and the answer to the question “Why It is said that British weather has

The final stage of the show, jokes about the Leicestershire police’s efforts to reduce rattiness by handing out free lollipops to shoppers.
Ending with a quick joke about medical wisdom realms passed down the generations, this week’s show was uttermost enjoyable.

WHY I PICKED THIS PODCAST I generally picked this pod cast because I had all ready known the show from the UK, therefore it instantly interested me to write about it since I had known it was a quality comedy production by the BBC making it a good choice for me to document. It truly shows genuine British humour, and is definitely entertaining when in need of a good laugh. I can honestly recommend this pod cast for its wide variety of way of making you laugh either by song or joke or sarcasm… It’s probably the most enjoyable way to keep up to date with small details that don’t always make the news.

1 comment:

T. White said...

I'm going to listen to this one...
Great job. Good sentence fluency.