Saturday, June 6, 2009

the last stand

“What are you concealing?” yelled the frustrated interrogator banging his hands on the desk.
But under the light of the lamp shining on his face, the middle aged man remained perfectly content and serious as if he didn’t understand what was going on. After a gruelling six hours of interrogation, an unsatisfied and worried MI5 officer exited the gloomy, damp, sewer like depths of the interrogation room, running his hands through his hair and mopping his face he exhaled the words;
‘It’s no use, commence torture’
As much as he and his co-workers felt a great resentment and disgust towards inflicting pain on another human being, the situation was imminent, the whole country was at stake. A few minutes later, after the agent had cooled down, he walked back into the the grim room, finding the suspect being tortured by stretcher – an ancient method but at least it wouldn’t affect the suspect’s state of mind, although the sound of his screaming could tell you how much pain he was in.
The agent looked at the man, he looked seemingly familiar, and then he remembered, this man was an ex-SAS soldier, so what was he doing in an MI5 interrogation room, wanted for the anti-terrorism act.
“We can continue this all day, we have all the time in the world” he lied.
“Heh, the one thing you don’t have is time; I can assure you of that!”
The smirk on his face gave it all away, the agent looked at the man’s battle worn face and it gave him the answer. This man had completed SAS training; he would be impenetrable to almost any type of torture, anything he knew would die with him, he was just a decoy, to waste time of the agency, it was the perfect trap and they had walked right into it.
“So why are you doing this, you have served for your country, why do you want to kill off its people all of a sudden?”
“Who said anything about killing the population, i don’t know what you’ve been told, all i was trying to do was avenge my innocent brother murdered by some b@stard terrorists; man, what are you talking about?”
The agents heart sunk to his toes; six hours wasted on somebody who wasn’t even part of the deal, “Let him go”
As emerged from the room, his colleges could feel his dismal knowledge that in 4 hours the country was to be wiped off the planet and at present time there was nothing he could about it...
“Lloyd, the man we just let go of is meeting up with another suspect...”
“Get on him quick” replied the agent.“We HAVE to find out what these psycho’s are really planning