Sunday, March 15, 2009

Character biography


    Background information
    Name :
    Lt. Colonel Vladimir Contratiev
    5th October, 1969 (1975-07-06) (age 39)
    Kraznatar, Soviet Union, (Russia)
    Army Officer, Embassy Military Attaché, Presently: (Russian Intelligence Spy), and Ballet Dancer At The Russian Culture Centre, Cyprus.
    Years active as

    2007 – present day (2 Years)
    School Talent Show- Kraznatar.
    Russian Bolshoi Ballet – Russia (Entry Exams Failed).
    Friday Night Ballet – Russian Culture Centre.
    The Pantomime – Russian Culture Centre.
    Stage Name :
    “The Geek From Yonder” ( Not Official )

  3. Vladimir Contratiev is a failed ballet dancer in Cyprus. Revealed as a Military Attaché for the Russian Embassy in ’07, he continues to disgrace his country with his radical yet awful performances.

    1 Early life
    1.1 Birth
    1.2 Nikolai Contratiev
    1.3 Olga Olgenstine
    1.4 Childhood
    2 First Stage Appearance
    3 Army Life
    4 Going Abroad
    4.1 Embassy Employment.
    4.2 Acting ‘Career’
    4.3 Feud with The Government
    4.4 Ballet performances
    5 ‘Happy Years Begin.’
    6 References
    7 External links

  4. 1.1 Early Life: Birth

    When Vladimir was born on the 5th of October 1969 in Kraznatar, The Soviet Union (Russia) (near the Turkish border) Nikolai Contratiev (Vladimir’s father) couldn’t have been a happier or prouder man. This opinion of his son would soon inversely change over the years.

    1.2 Nikolai Contratiev

    Nikolai Contratiev was a man of high name, power, and status in the Soviet Union at that time, being a Commissar on the Russian Front during World War Two made him respected by all. At fifty years old, the birth of his son was one of the only things keeping him alive after his hard, weakening years at War. This was because he wanted a son to continue his legacy and make him proud. Expecting very high standards, the older Vladimir grew the more adverse Nikolai’s feelings for him became.

    1.3 Olga Olgenstine

    Olga Olgenstine was 33 at the birth of her son, and being a person of ‘common’ status, she’d come to feel differently towards him. The more Nikolai hated him
    the more she loved him; this gave Vladimir the inspiration and support to live his unique and unusual dream.

    1.4 Childhood

    Although he wasn’t a homosexual, Vladimir slowly began developing feminine qualities from a child. He was obsessed with dancing and singing from 4 years old and onwards, but his father in all his grief, regarded this as just young mindless behaviour. However, the more he saw the feminine side of Vladimir, the more anxious he became...
    All through out his childhood Vladimir was constantly punished for his passion for the arts of dancing and singing, whether it was his father pushing him away, or trying to convince him not to be such a ‘wimp’ or his frequent exclusion from peers, as kids refused to play with him and he beca
    me regarded as ‘that weird kid’ and ‘gay’. He acquired the nickname ‘the geek from yonder’ and this seems to have stuck with him for the rest of his life.
    By ten years of age Vladimir had decided that his career was to be a ballet dancer for the Russian Bolshoi Ballet and frequently begged his father to attend. Conversely, his father had a military career set out for his son, and with Nikolai’s good name and Vladimir’s excellent grades he would be accepted as a student in the Russian Military Academy with out doubt.
    Over the next five years, Vladimir’s child hood was very quiet. His father forced him into Sambo lessons (a Russian martial art, very much like judo) he paid no attention in class and absoluty resented it. He spent lonely days dancing in front of the mirror, a tattered old tutu his only friend, and his father’s love forever decreasing.

    2.0 Taking To The Stage

    Vladimir’s first appearance on stage was for the school talent show, when he was fifteen years of age. Without his father’s permission or presence for the show Vladimir entered the stage ready to express his ‘talent’. He gave an awful performance, stumbling and falling all over the stage, and soon became the laughing stock of the whole town.
    For his father, Vladimir had pulled his last string, his son had truly ridiculed his name, and he therefore sent Vladimir to a school in another town, which when he finished, he would attend the Russian Military Academy.

    3.0 Army Life

    At nineteen, Vladimir was forced into joining the Army by his father, where he was constantly picked on by his peers and superiors (word had gotten round of Vladimir’s ballet ‘frenzy’). He only got through a tough military career by promising himself that when he retired he would return to the stage once more.
    Throughout his seventeen years in the army Vladimir was stuck
    behind a desk, even though his high intelligence, good tactics, and clever ideas could have proved very useful to himself and the to Army in general too. Unfortunately Vladimir saw the Army as a prison sentence: he had to do his time and get out. Neither did Vladimir’s commanding officers have an interest in Vladimir, as he was never given credit for his ideas, he was never sent to war, and was kept on reserve for most of his career. Vladimir attained a rank of Lieutenant Colonel before retiring at thirty-seven years old.

    4.0 Going to Abroad

    After retiring from the Army, Vladimir took auditions at the Russian Bolshoi Ballet. He was rejected 3 times and further more never allowed to audition again! Disheartened, with the whole country, thinking of him as a complete joke, Vladimir decided to continue his career in another country.

    4.1 Embassy Employment

    In 2006 Vladimir was posted as a Military Attaché, on the small island of Cyprus, for the Russian Embassy. His profound love for Ballet was not known in Cyprus, and his intelligence made him respected by many Government Officials. But Vladimir’s longing to dance could not be faugh off much longer.

    4.2 Acting ‘Career’

    Vladimir’s secret was soon to be revealed, and he had only held it off this long as he’d promised, on acceptance of his new job that he would not embarrass the Russian Government with his absurd dancing.
    By this point in his life Vladimir had no contact with his parents; his mother had died of pneumonia 4 years ago and his father refused to speak to him after he tried to join the Bolshoi Ballet.
    Six months in to his new job Vladimir performed as an actor for the pantomime at the Russian Culture Centre, and with his horsy Russian accent, his stage name’ the geek from yonder, and excellent way of playing a female’s role, his English Speaking audience loved him.
    For once in his life Vladimir felt loved and the feeling made him a little careless...

    4.3 Feud with the Government

    Soon his secret acting identity was revealed. The Russian Government decided that they couldn’t have their military Attaché performing at an amateur’s pantomime it would make a joke of their entire system, and so Vladimir was immediately stripped of his job. However as on last favour to his father Vladimir was kept in Cyprus as a spy. Allowed all the freedom he wanted, this posting suited Vladimir well, all he had to do was, to report to the Russian government of all activity in Cyprus, and not be exposed as a spy.

    4.4 Ballet Performances

    Vladimir was no longer taken seriously by any body and so he resorted to his oldest and best friend; Ballet. Until present day he performs at the Russian Culture centre where he is infamous for his awful acts which pleases the audience as they talk about his hilarious history, and humour him as he makes Ballet the ugliest dance ever...

    5.0 ‘Happy years’

    Vladimir now lives in an apartment in Nicosia, Cyprus. An informant for the Russian Government as well a part time Ballet dancer he lives a life of solitary confinement as he truly lives his name: ‘The Geek from Yonder’
    Although he is not loved he gets to live as a ballet dancer so overall he has found happiness at last.

    6.0 References